
Wednespeach 17th Dec 03

Spilling av forrige plata "Teaches of Peaches" førte til non stop disco med Etterstadgirlsa Betty + Siri på Schwei-fest juni -03. Og i morra møter JEG dama!

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[In the 60's] there was madness in any direction, at any hour ... You
could strike sparks anywhere. There was a fantastic universal sense
that whatever we were doing was `right', that we were winning ...

And that, I think, was the handle -- the sense of inevitable victory
over the forces of Old and Evil. Not in any mean or military sense; we
didn't need that. Our energy would simply `prevail'. There was no
point in fighting -- on our side or theirs. We had all the momentum;
we were riding the crest of a high and beautiful wave ....

So now, less than five years later, you can go up on a steep hill in

Dagens Peaches

På hennes siste plate Fatherfucker, deltar både Iggy Pop og Joan Jett. På hjemmesida til Peaches er det et eget galleri der fans kan legge inn bilder de har tatt av skrittet hennes.

Helt Viggo?

Etter årets siste Popquiz på Onkel Donald i går ble vi stående utenfor for å ønske hverandre god jul. Da triller det opp en maxi-taxi som det strømmer ut noen svære fyrer som ser ut som de jobber i Secret Service (den amerikanske varianten) med ørepropper og full pakke. Like bak kommer det vanlige taxier med fotografer som starter et blitzregn som gjør natt til dag. "Hva skjer?", tenkte vi.

hmmmm usikker men oh so fresh and so clean

...på - hurra! Og bare 3 dager til Peaches varmer opp for MM i Spektrum. Ennå mer hurra. Peaches er ukas tema. Første fakta: Hun er canadisk men bor i Berlin. Håper jeg nå har skrivi i min egen bligblog

Gud jeg er kjip

Jeg er tydeligvis safe for children..

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Får jo bare 15 årsgrense jo! Det er bare fordi jeg ikke doper...


Hyggelig med litt kommunitet igjen!

Kan ikke bare alle være venner?

Martin Gore snakker om fremtida til Depeche Mode i et intervju med franske Elegy. Og den ser ikke så veldig lys ut:

"At this moment, I don't really know what the future has in store. Personally, it seems less and less sure that there is a new Depeche Mode abum...I've always been optimistic about the possibilities of a new Depeche Mode album. When Dave and I have started to work on our solo projects, the idea was that we would talk about it at the end of the year. But, now, with all I hear everywhere, he implies to such a point that he doesn't want to be part of Depeche Mode anymore, that he doesn't want my songs anymore. Well, if he doesn't want to do it anymore, he can do another thing." When the journalist says to Martin that the media may have amplified some words he says: "Oh, no, it's general. Each time Dave started to talk to the press, that's all what he said, I've read the interviews. He does not talk straight to me. He does not talk to me, he talks to the media."

Stiv nakke

Arrrgggh! Jeg har skikkelig stiv nakke...
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