
Finn din personlige vampyr og fairy!

Your fairy is called Moth Silverfrost
She is a protector from evil demons and a poisoner of werewolves
She lives close to crystal caverns and stalagtite grottos
She is only seen during the first snow of winter

Høres ut som litt av ei dame gitt! :D

<em>Loulou</em> sitt bilete

Eg likar min, eg.

Your fairy is called Yarrow Elfglitter
She is a cheerful sprite
She lives close to vixen and badger sets
She is only seen in the light of a shooting star

<em>Nikko</em> sitt bilete

Fine alven...

Your fairy is called Berry Iceglow
She is a bone chilling revenger of widows
She lives in fruit orchards and vineyards
She is only seen in the light of a full moon

memento mor di

<em>Divabolica</em> sitt bilete

Teit navn

men bra dame!

Buttercup Rainbowfilter

She is a fortune bringer

She lives in clover fields where fairy rings grow

She is only seen on midsummer's eve

Reality TV is killing me

<em>Divabolica</em> sitt bilete

Liker denne bedre:

men for de av dere som kjenner meg, er vel det ikke overraskende

Countess of The Ghastly

Known in some parts of the world as:

Venus of Evil

The Great Archives Record:

The purest evil of all evil, and evil comes in many forms!

Reality TV is killing me

<em>Divabolica</em> sitt bilete

gud, detta blei romantisk!

min kjære ble:

Armand Darling

Known in some parts of the world as:

Poison of Wallachia

The Great Archives Record:

Died and rose again in the name of eternal love.

Reality TV is killing me

<em>Divabolica</em> sitt bilete


Det er jaggu fredag ja!
2 timer og 5 minutter igjen av arbeidsdagen, og så er det 5 uker i Granada!!!!!!!!!!

Reality TV is killing me

<em>elektronika</em> sitt bilete


Meg som alv:
Your fairy is called Lichen Demonglow
She is a wicked and mischievous child
She lives in stony places and tumbling wastes
She is only seen in the light of a full moon

Meg som vampyr:
The Great Archives determine you to have gone by the identity:
Claudia Coleridge
Known in some parts of the world as:
Aradia of The Druids
The Great Archives Record:
Of an ancient order, secretive and mysterious. It is said they worship the oak and burn wicker men.


"They failed because of their lack of ability to succeed"
gammelt jungelordtak

<em>irma vep</em> sitt bilete

Dette kan jeg like:)

Your fairy is called Hex Goblinglow

She is a bringer of riches and wealth

She lives in places hexed and tainted by black magic

She is only seen in the light of a full moon

"Unpredictable like the sun. And the rainfall"

<em>Disynthegration</em> sitt bilete

Finfin den ja...

Min lille fe er kanskje litt spesialisert, "poisoner of werewolves", men akk... det er en jobb, og noen må jo gjøre den også. Og jeg liker jo best damer med litt u-tradde yrker., som f.eks. werewolf poisoners.

<em>batcheeba</em> sitt bilete

Your fairy is called Tan

Your fairy is called Tangle Goblinshimmer
She is a bringer of riches and wealth
She lives at the bottom of tangled gardens and in hedgerows
She is only seen when the first flowers begin to blossom



Countess of The Great Oceans

The Great Archives determine you to have gone by the identity:
Countess of The Great Oceans (kult navn.. må innrømme det)

Known in some parts of the world as:
Hero of Evil (!) :(

The Great Archives Record:
The purest evil of all evil, and evil comes in many forms! (jøsses)

Your fairy is called Buttercup Rainbowfrost
She is a fortune bringer
She lives in clover fields where fairy rings grow
She is only seen during the first snow of winter

Likte fe-beskrivelsen bedre enn vampyrbeskrivelsen..

<em>helterskelter</em> sitt bilete

Ännu ett namn som låter som en Cocteau Twins-låt..

Your fairy is called Field Rainbowglow

She is a fortune bringer

She lives in fields where wild flowers and poppies grow

She is only seen in the light of a full moon

Mitt vampyrnamn är Lady of Romania. Låter mer som en okänd 70-talslåt med Cher..

<em>Strega</em> sitt bilete


Your fairy is called Gossamer Moonfilter
She is the moon goddess's messenger
She lives in spiderwebbed wonderlands and insect grottos
She is only seen on midsummer's eve

Don't confuse having an iron rod stuck up your ass with having a spine

<em>Strega</em> sitt bilete

Nesten enda bedre...

Angelique du Coudray
Known in some parts of the world as:
Scourge of The Flesh
The Great Archives Record:
A sensual one who knows the flesh - and knows the blood

Don't confuse having an iron rod stuck up your ass with having a spine

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