Sophia oppløst


Sophia is no more an existing project.

I guess it is time to inform you all that Sophia is for now a nonexisting project. I have too little time to make music with this project and I when i make music, i want to make it fullhearted.

Arcana, Crypt of Kerberos and some of my other projects are of more priority. So I am sorry to say, Sophia will not have anything new in the near future, nor will we perform live (that one we might have to change, but not for now anyway).

Other than that, I hope you will still keep on listening to the old stuff that is released. Sophia was one of my main projects, but it will now rest.

<em>Bassington-Bassington</em> sitt bilete


Like greit, egentlig. Formelen deres var begrenset, og de beste platene deres var vel egentlig de förste, var de ikke? De ble litt forsophne etter hvert...


"Vampires are make-believe, like elves, gremlins, and eskimos."

- Homer Simpson

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