Ny singel fra Code 64

Dette er det hva Memento materia skriver:
CODE 64 – Leaving Earth CDS memento materia out 21-11

With their amazing debut-album "Storm" CODE 64 found immediate success all over Scandinavia, in Germany and the USA. Lots of fans enjoyed their concerts and have asked for more material. As a teaser for the upcoming album "Departure", Memento Materia now presents the excellent single "Leaving Earth". A song with a very catchy refrain and with two exclusive songs, to be found on this CDS only, just to make the fans even more delighted. One of the exclusive songs is a very good cover version of New Orders' old hit True Faith. CODE 64 are the next big hope on Memento Materia and while their debut already initiated a ‘storm’ in the electro-scene, this their new single promises a lot for the eagerly awaited second album!

Tracklist: 1. Leaving Earth (Universal Poplab radio version) 2. True Faith (New Order cover) 3. leaving Earth (single edit) 4. Saying Hello (Pop mix) 5. Leaving Earth (Thermostatic remix)

<em>myotis</em> sitt bilete

Det var faen meg på tide...

Det var faen meg på tide... hehe
~new shoes~


Dra meg i barten!

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