Global Orgasm for Peace!

"The goal is to add so much concentrated and high-energy positive input into the energy field of the Earth that it will reduce the current dangerous levels of aggression and violence throughout the world."

<em>Bassington-Bassington</em> sitt bilete

Å Jesus! Når folk plaprer

Å Jesus!

Når folk plaprer om kvantefelt som kan påvirkes av menneskelig bevissthet, når det er helt opplagt at det er Reich de er inspirert av, da slår jeg av øra.

"The love of someone who does not cause difficulties is of long duration. To have a relationship with a friend who is shy and timid is pleasurable; but friends who have continuous needs and demands are unbearable."
- Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Dawud

<em>Karirari</em> sitt bilete

Genialt sjekketriks da...

Genialt sjekketriks da... "Gap opp da jenta mi, det er for verdensfred!"

<em>Bassington-Bassington</em> sitt bilete

Problemet er at jeg ikke er

Problemet er at jeg ikke er tiltrukket av dumme damer. Så dersom de hadde gått på limpinnen, ville jeg ikke vært interessert.


"The love of someone who does not cause difficulties is of long duration. To have a relationship with a friend who is shy and timid is pleasurable; but friends who have continuous needs and demands are unbearable."
- Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Dawud

<em>Karirari</em> sitt bilete

Var det pun intented eller?

Var det pun intented eller? Jeg lo i allefall så jeg holdt på å grine :D

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