Russian synth band

<em>Nikko</em> sitt bilete


Why the slow download speed? It takes five minutes to open the first page and by that time, I was frankly bored and moved on to another site. Maybe you should work on a more efficient layout. I'd love to hear your stuff, but it never started to download... And my internet connection is rather quick.
You may have noticed that I'm not all there myself.

<em>emplosia</em> sitt bilete

The direct link

Here's the direct link to media section if you really would love to hear our stuff:)

Hope it will help!

<em>sdx</em> sitt bilete

You need a new hosting partner..

Face it, NO-ONE will download those clips when you have a webhosting partner that has almost no international connectivity and/or a really congested system in general.

My suggestion is that you look at other hosting alternatives. If budget is a priority, have a look at . Also, if I were you, I'd publish at least some full-length tracks in good quality online, since chances are that people will listen to them more than once.


<em>sdx</em> sitt bilete

I'm such a stubborn bastard..
Its only one track, but still.. :) Sounds very promising!

And I'm glad you have decided to switch hosting providers, but I'm sure the community would appreciate if the track snippets would become available for download again. :)


<em>emplosia</em> sitt bilete

They are!

All tracks are available for download...

<em>Nikko</em> sitt bilete


I'll check it out! :-)
You may have noticed that I'm not all there myself.

<em>Nikko</em> sitt bilete


The sound clips are only two seconds long? No chance of forming an impression of your music with that short clips. try uploading some demo-songs on A great resource site for music!
You may have noticed that I'm not all there myself.

<em>emplosia</em> sitt bilete


Not 2 seconds as well:)But thank you.


Fikk om sider lastet ned de 2 sekundene jeg også, ble ikke imponert nei. ...må skrive engelsk her kanskje, hmm...nei det kan jeg ikke

<em>Bariuz</em> sitt bilete



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