
Uniform in collaboration with New Toy have decided it was high time to create a destruction night....a club with no background music, no foreground music....audience members will be given sledge hammers, baseball bats and various other tools to destroy a variety of worthy objects - tv's, computers, half an aeroplane (yes a real one) a car....
you are invited to bring along whatever you want - your own personal hated object.....view the event as you wish - either as a sonic art night or as a way of venting spleen....

opening night is at the Electrowerks venue in angel, london and will be on April the 27th....doors open 10pm and action starts at 10:45pm.....there will be a cap on the number of people allowed in and will be 120 people maximum.....


Litt synd jeg gikk glipp av denne, og så solgte den visstnok ut på kort tid. Men dette hadde vel vært noe for dere som er fans av rare lyder?

<em>Gird_09</em> sitt bilete


Rare lyder?
Du mener fuglekvitter og barnelatter og annet unaturlig vissvass?
Er ingen som liker denslags på
I want my women the same way I want my wars: fierce, ruthless and unrelenting.

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