Ti sekunder med støy

Jeg fikk denne i min commentgreie på myspace i dag. Jeg er personlig ikke interessert, men kanskje noen andre er det.

NS 10 seconds compilation

we are putting together a compilation to be released on CD and we are looking for submissions! the comp will feature "noise" and "experimental"artists,
the comp will be released as soon as enough sounds are collected. song length should be no more than 10 seconds ,so we can get a good number , giving opportunity to others.
send noise, (mp3 files)

via : http://www.yousendit.com/
including some info.

Feel free to post it where ever you can!

everybody has 10 seconds free, if you don't you are sad boy.
with this compilation I'll get rich and I'll go to live in Monaco,with three dogs and thousand bitches.
so join it,maybe I let you swim in my pool:)

in noise we trust...


Bjorn Eriksson-calvinomaster.mp3
Kenji Siratori-fucknamload.mp3
napalmed-unproductive contradestructive 45.mp3
Fossil-circle of the sun.mp3
uncle mum-CTA.mp3
aatmaa - 10mm.mp3

we are still waiting for your submission.
10" of existence...it's to much ??

coming soon:
Phothon Ghoul,Enviromental Testing Device,ThrouRoof,Ry_om,Darph/ Nader,DBT...

Thanks for your

<em>Bassington-Bassington</em> sitt bilete


Av en eller annen grunn minnes jeg på Monty Pythons ord: "This is not a wine for drinking, this is a wine for laying down and avoiding". Jeg får bare vondt i hodet av støy, jeg.


"Racism is very lower-class. Upper-class people are never racists; they're anti-Semites."

P. J. O'Rourke

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