Busparty til Wave Gotik Treffen i Leipzig

24/05/2007 08:00
29/05/2007 14:30

Bustrip to WGT 2007

Since the summer is getting closer, and Wave Gotik Treffen has started revealing this year's band list, and the worst hangovers from last year's festival should be gone, we find it appropriate to reveal that Røde's bus of Ultimate Evil once again will be transporting lively goths, EBM heads and other more or less insane people directly from Copenhagen to this Summer's definitive hotspot, Leipzig in Germany, where Wave Gotik Treffen '07 is being held from the 25th to the 28th of May! Just like last year, this party on wheels will be rolling on maximum speed, with the wildest music in the speakers, and the best company you can gather in Denmark! We should also mention that Aesthetic Perfection loved last year's bus ride so much that it is already official that he will be participating again this year, and contribute to the party. But but but! Since the notorious ride last year, something has changed. The man behind it all, everyone's Frode, has moved back to his home country, Norway, to start up a new empire of misdeeds, with his own club "Hellfire", so this year all communication will go through us, Frode's henchmen. We still expect him to show up in the bus, bringing his own pack of Crazy Norwegians, though.

We would like to point out that WGT already now has quite a few interesting names in their lineup, and a lot more coming up.
For example it will be possible to see the legends Front 242, who played several amazing shows last year, including our own Roskilde Festival. Additionally, it will be possible to see names like Suicide Commando, Soman, Tamtrum, Unter Null, Zombina and the Skeletons, In Strict Confidence, Vive La Fete, Punto Omega, This Morn Omina, Heimataerde, Moonspell, Psyclon Nine, Crematory, Orange Sector, not to mention The Retrosic's first live show ever.
Those are just a few of the names, and more get added all the time. The full list can be seen at wave-gotik-treffen.de

Practical information:
A seat in the bus will cost 800,- DKK, going both ways directly to and from the festival site.
A seat can only be reserved through payment, so it will be a good idea to sign up as soon as possible. Any profit will be dedicated to providing you with all the beer you can drink during the entire ride down through Germany.
To order a seat, you just need to transfer the money to Morten on Nordea account:
Reg: 2256
Account: 3201106299
Remember to note who you are in the payment, and send a mail to wgt@eternal.dk, so we can identify where the payment is from. As soon as the money has been received, you will be the fortunate owner of one seat (or the right to sit on it all the way to Leipzig and back) in the bus.
Payment can also be paid out in cash to either Morten or Stephan, providing we are able to identify you, and sober enough to remember it. :)

There are only 50 seats in the bus, so it is a good idea to hurry up.
The bus will leave from Denmark in the morning of the 24th of May, from Krudttønden by Parken at Østerbro, and DGI Byen by the central station. We will of course stop at a border shop on the way, so it will be possible to stock up on supplies, and we expect to be back home in the afternoon of the 29th of may.

Any questions can be directed at Stephan or Morten.
For any future information about the WGT bus, send a mail to wgt@eternal.dk

Hope to see you in the bus!
Best regards, Morten (Sumez) and Stephan (SejeGoth666)

<em>myotis</em> sitt bilete

Party med en massa

Party med en massa bus?!?!?!

~Kom på fest på Gamla den 18 maj~

Sånn kan man jo si det :)

Hehe - sånn kan man jo si det - selv ville jeg dog ha sagt party med en masse folk i en buss eller masse party med masse folk i en buss ;)
....bussen er snart fylt opp forresten - hurry !! hurry !!

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