
« Week of juni 11, 2007 »
Start: 13/06/2007 12:47

(oppdatert tekst - nå med fagdommer og stor premie)

Kjettersk Kjeller onsdag 13. juni

Bjørn Are Davidsen snakker om
Nefilim – Gudesønner eller genteknologer fra verdensrommet?

Gjeste-DJ: Stian Aarebrot (The Crest, Vardøger, Sub Scene)

Og med NM i Nefilim! Nå med flott premie!

I Det Gamle Testamente møter vi de mystiske Nefilim. De er gudesønner som kommer ned til jorden og blander seg med menneskene. Men hva er de? Er de kjemper, engler eller likefrem romvesener? Er beretningen om
profeten Esekiels visjoner av en ildvogn egentlig historiens første UFO-rapport? Hva med Jakobsstigen?

Start: 15/06/2007 21:00
End: 15/06/2007 23:59

Norgesmesterskap i Elektro på Blå! Disse to banda gjør - som de eneste i verden(proove me wrong) - elektro(pop) med norske tekster.
KongSverre slipper denne kvelden plata "JAZZELEKTRO" og den blir å få kjøpt i baren. Servoskudd er aktuelle for elektrostat og flere andre festivaler.


dørene åpner kl 2100
OBS: konsertene er ferdig kl 2330, så tar klubb trash kassett over.

Start: 16/06/2007 22:00

Det blir alternativ klubbkveld med industrial, new wave, rock, punk, new romantic, metal, synthpop, EBM, pop, ambient, neo-folk m.m. Butikken Shadowland, som står bak dette konseptet, har siden åpningen i 1996 vært Oslos eneste spesialforretning for denne typen musikk.

Fri entré. Dørene åpner kl. 22. Stenger kl 03. 18 år leg.


John Dee
Start: 16/06/2007 23:00

Get your golden ticket and entrance to the chockolathe factory !

- AlterHatzCakes Presents - ' Tales From teh'Wonka '

Syntax Error/Live [Parvati,DK] live

AnnoyingNinjas/Live [Sanaton,DK] live

Alter Egon/Djset [Butterfly,NO] dj-set

Raymond/Djset [Hatzville,NO] dj-set

Deco: Neil Gibson,CA
[ www.neilgibson.ca ]


CC:150NOK,- ( half price for dressed oompa loompas ! )

Location: Sjokoladefabrikken - Stockholmsgate 12 - Oslo
June 16th 2007 - 23.00-0600 / Door Close at 03.00 (!)

Bar is open! liquids will be taken care of until 03:00;)
(Tag your bag before you deliver)

'AlterHatzCakes' : AlterEgon, Raymond & Pannekakehuset ->

are proud to bring you Neil Gibson all the way from
Canada who is recognised worldwide for his Matrix Installations and
and hyperspacial decorations.

We are also happy to welcome Syntax Error and once again the
infamous AnnoyingNinjas to Join us for the homecoming of Willy'Wonka.
Your local Oompa loompas, AlterEgon & Hatzville will also take part of the storytelling with some of their own fairytales and lead you into the depths of Oompaland !

Willy w0nka is here to tell us all about the journey of his liquid adventures

"Tales from teh'Wonka"

-->INVITE ONLY - Get golden tickets  at alterhatzcakes at gmail.com for admission.

Sjokoladefabrikken - Stockholmsgate 12 - Oslo
Start: 16/06/2007 23:00
End: 17/06/2007 06:00

Get your golden ticket and entrance to the chockolathe factory !

- AlterHatzCakes Presents - ' Tales From teh'Wonka '

Syntax Error/Live [Parvati,DK] live

AnnoyingNinjas/Live [Sanaton,DK] live

Alter Egon/Djset [Butterfly,NO] dj-set

Raymond/Djset [Hatzville,NO] dj-set

Deco: Neil Gibson,CA
[ www.neilgibson.ca ]


CC:150NOK,- ( half price for dressed oompa loompas ! )

Location: Sjokoladefabrikken - Stockholmsgate 12 - Oslo
June 16th 2007 - 23.00-0600 / Door Close at 03.00 (!)

Bar is open! liquids will be taken care of until 03:00;)
(Tag your bag before you deliver)

'AlterHatzCakes' : AlterEgon, Raymond & Pannekakehuset ->

are proud to bring you Neil Gibson all the way from
Canada who is recognised worldwide for his Matrix Installations and
and hyperspacial decorations.

We are also happy to welcome Syntax Error and once again the
infamous AnnoyingNinjas to Join us for the homecoming of Willy'Wonka.
Your local Oompa loompas, AlterEgon & Hatzville will also take part of the storytelling with some of their own fairytales and lead you into the depths of Oompaland !

Willy w0nka is here to tell us all about the journey of his liquid adventures

"Tales from teh'Wonka"

-->INVITE ONLY - Get golden tickets  at alterhatzcakes at gmail.com for admission.

Sjokoladefabrikken - Stockholmsgate 12 - Oslo
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