Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio i København

30/09/2006 21:00
01/10/2006 05:00

Saturday, the 30th of September  at The Rock:

http://www.club-metropolis.dk/ presents

Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio (S)

In Slaughter Natives (FIN)

Triarii (D)

Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio
It's been confirmed that highly acclaimed Swedish apocalyptic folk group Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio will grace our club for the first time on September 30th at The Rock! Having recieved cult status throughout the years, Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio are reknowned for their involving stage shows, musically emcompassing the union of infernal doom with blazing eroticism. Their musical universe spans from layered, industrial soundscapes with throbbing, tribal rhythms to emotionally charged ballads. A very intense combination for a very intense band.

In Slaughter Natives
Accompanying O.R.E., In Slaughter Natives will co-headline this amazing evening! Since the 80s, In Slaughter Natives has been a forerunner and a highly influential force in the industrial, neofolk and metal scenes alike - drawing upon and redefining the genres of epic, martial industrial, uncomprimising noise, raw tribal rhythms and raging death metal, In Slaughter Natives is a musical manifestation of TOTAL WAR and DESTRUCTION.

As support act we've handpicked this exquisite trio from Berlin, just to awaken your appetite...
Their last album called "Pièce Héroique" is a fabulous masterpiece and features Tomas from Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio on guest vocal and is mastered by no other than In Slaughter Natives!
Get there early to experience this infernal and victorius act!


Members: 80 DKK

Nonmembers: 100 DKK

Doors open at 21:00 - GET THERE EARLY!!

Place: The Rock, Skindergade, Copenhagen.

The Rock, Skindergade, Copenhagen, Denmark
<em>batcheeba</em> sitt bilete


!!! :O


<em>RKN</em> sitt bilete

nemlig :)

- - -
Hypnoskull til folket!

<em>Divabolica</em> sitt bilete

Har sååå lyst

til å dra... hadde detbare vært helgen etter...

What's a misanthrope?
A misanthrope is a bugger who hates every other bugger.
Are we misanthropes?
Lord no! We're family

<em>RKN</em> sitt bilete


Har plass på 'gjesterommet' - pc-roterommet, that is :) *lokke* *lokke*
- - -
Hypnoskull til folket!

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