Clan of Xymox

08/10/2005 22:00
09/10/2005 03:00

- Club Metropolis & The Black Cat presents:

Clan of Xymox (NL)
Suicide Bunnies (DK)

Legendary Clan of Xymox - COX formed in 1984 in Amsterdam by Ronny Moorings (vocals, guitar etc.) with his former girlfriend Anke (bass) and former roommate Pieter (keyboards) back in 1984 where they recorded their debut mini LP "Subsequent Pleasures" on a four track recorder, and released it on their own label in only 500 copies.
Promoting that record Ronny met up with Brendan Perry and Lisa Gerrard of Dead Can Dance who were on tour with The Cocteau Twins and he got invited to see the show and got backstage after the gig. That led to signing to the legendary 4-AD label and releasing their self titled album in 1985 which spun the single "A Day/Stranger" which soon became a classic. Since then there has been no looking back for COX. Albums like "Medusa", "Hidden Faces", "Creatures" and "Farewell" can't be ignored and have received worldwide acclaim and success. COX's music and unique sound can best be described as electronic fired with a distinct gothic feel that has envied and inspired many bands, and continues to do so today. COX has build up a great live reputation over the years which have brought them as far as South America as well the big European festivals M'era Luna, Zillo and Eurorock. Don't miss this fantastic opportunity to witness this great band perform songs like "Louise", "Jasmine and Rose", "There's No Tomorrow", "Consolation" and so many more!

Be sure to see Clan Of Xymox's first concert on Danish soil EVER!!

The Danish band Suicide Bunnies will be the opening act for Clan of Xymox. Suicide Bunnies are newcomers with definitive inspiration from both old school goth, shoegazer, darkwave and postpunk. Their music paints aural images of a dark and desolate universe, wherein feelings of desperation and being powerless dominate the shades and tones of these soundscapes. At the same time, the is able to make room for smaller details in the music, which in tandem can turn the contrasts of the musical expressions upside down. The monotonous, morose atmospheres can suddenly be blown up into epic proportions; adding an element of both surprise and emotinal depth.

Date: 08/10/2005
Time: 22:00
Place: Forbrændingen - Vognporten 11, 2620 Albertslund.
Entrance: 120 DKK

Related links: Clan of Xymox
Suicide Bunnies
The Black Cat

<em>RKN</em> sitt bilete


Igjen er det mere info her:
Sluttid er kl. 05.00. Vi fester lenge her i DK :)

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Hypnoskull til folket!

<em>Tollef</em> sitt bilete


Kan du anbefale noe rimelig ovenatting i Kjøben, sånn i tilfelle jeg skulle ta turen?

<em>Divabolica</em> sitt bilete


<em>RKN</em> sitt bilete

Overnatting i K

Alt etter hva rimelig betyr, er f.eks. dette stedet OK:
hyggelig og meget sentralt.

For rock bottom billig vandrehjem eller andre alternativer søk på
og velg vandrehjem eller hva man nå ønsker seg.
Tips: København K er alltid i sentrum, mens København V (Vesterbro) og København N (Nørrebro) er bydelene rundt city. Og hvis man gidder å bo på Amager(samme øya som Kastrup ligger på), er det København S som gjelder.

Selve konsertstedet ligger litt utenfor sentrum, men det går nattbusser og S-tog (=t-bane).

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Hypnoskull til folket!

venter til dagen de kommer

venter til dagen de kommer til Norge

<em>Baetylos</em> sitt bilete

Da tror jeg du må vente

Da tror jeg du må vente lenge, for de er dyre. Vi prøvde til Gotham jubileumet i februar.

When we have eachother we have everything

<em>RKN</em> sitt bilete


Det kan bekreftes! Vi er også 2 klubber (Metroolis og The Black Cat) som arrangerer detfor å få det til å henge sammen ...
- - -
Hypnoskull til folket!

<em>Tollef</em> sitt bilete


Jeg prøvde å få til det der i årevis selv. (Jeg feilet glatt.)

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