Gotham Nights

16/12/2005 22:00

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(flyttet fra 17. desember)

John Dee, Oslo
<em>Baetylos</em> sitt bilete

Part CX

Part CX

Time: 16.12.2005
Venue: John Dee

"Christmas Ball"

C.C. 50 NOK, 18 year age limit
Doors open at 22:00.

You are cordially welcome to attend the annual Christmas Ball hosted by Gotham Nights. Put on your finest attire and prepare yourself for a night of merriment. According to tradition, there will be mulled wine and bat-shaped gingerbreads for all you naughty and nice people. The scents of cinnamon and cloves will mingle with the sweet music played by all our resident DJ’s. All our Dj’s? Oh, yes! It’s a special night, and two Dj’s won’t do. Musical mayhem hand-picked by Baetylos, KrazyCat, Draconia, Eblis, and guest DJ Soulmachine!

From all of us to all of you!

When we have eachother we have everything

<em>krazycat</em> sitt bilete

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