Engelsk band (Starfall) søker spillejobb

Se jeg bryr meg...

Eller, som jeg svarte manageren: I hope that if Hell exists, there's a special pit there where "Industrial" metal bands have to share the space with N'Sync and listen to the latter play Godflesh covers.

Men dette er kanskje noe for dere der ute som liker Zensor ?

management@starfallonline.co.uk skriver:
>I manage UK industrial/metal group Starfall and I'm currently in the
>process of arranging the groups 4th tour. Having been in touch with
>various alt music magazines and radio stations in Norway for some time
>now ahead of the group's much anticipated second EP release we're
>confident that when it comes to sending the group into Norway they're
>going to be particulary well publicised and subsequently well recieved at
>whatever venues we choose to put the group on at.
>The 3-piece group who hail from Aberdeen in Scotland spent a large
>portion of the summer touring Europe and building up their fanbase whilst
>I looked for a suitable promotional company to go through for the band's
>October EP release to make sure it is as effectively distributed as
>possible. At this stage it looks like the group will be going through
>Pitchshifter's very own 3rdi company which we're pretty certain will gain
>the band even further publicity throughout Europe!
>At this stage we're fairly insistant that advance copies of the 2nd EP
>aren't released until Monday October 4th however, so you can gauge your
>judgement on the group, I have attached 3 MP3's below:
>In terms of what we're looking for in terms of payment the group are
>currently avalible for 150 Euros and the dates that we have for your
>consideration are:
>Monday November 8th
>Tuesday November 9th
>Wednesday November 10th
>Monday November 15th
>Tuesday November 16th
>Wednesday November 17th
>If none of these dates are convienent for you then other dates are
>avalible for discussion.
>Thankyou for your time and I hope to hear from you soon,
>David Bradley

<em>teppemann</em> sitt bilete

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