Neste helg skal jeg se!

VNV, Apop og Soman. Det blir bra.

I tillegg kommer Dope Stars INC(IT), 13th Monkey (DE), Faderhead (DE), Painbastard (DE), Caustic (USA), The Gothsicles (USA), Rupesh Cartel (SE), Portion Control (UK), E.S.A (UK), Greyhound (DE) og Synnack (USA).
Er det noen av disse jeg virkelig burde få med meg? :)

<em>Lex</em> sitt bilete

The GOTHsicles

The GOTHsicles borde du se. De har roliga texter! :D

"Bands are on the run from the grammatical police
For their own good, we gotta find and fix mistakes from Germanese
No more changing words to make a rhyme or rhyming same words twice
'Cause it's possible write a hit were the words aren't sacrificed
Soon we're gonna go put other places to the test
By fixing up their lyrics, Scandanavia is next
Making yudgments on the quality of lyrical esteem
Chopping up shitty lyrics with a guil-e-o-tine
The right accents aren't required to garner our approval
But singing like an idiot means license removal
And I aware of my own lyrical shortcomings
Pronunciation errors that knock me out the running
Saying Funker, not "Foonkah", when I know that that is wrong
Showing blatant hypocrisy within my own damn song
But I'll make an effort and strain
To get it right on the refrain
And here it comes again..."
So raise your voice (not woice) and sing along!"

<em>Pirat0z</em> sitt bilete


Jeg hadde gått for Caustic.
det er det verste jeg har hørt

<em>Nikko</em> sitt bilete

Rent subjektivt...

Portion Control skuffet stort på Arvika. Uinspirert og tamt.
But that's just my opinion.
Even a stopped clock shows the right time twice a day.

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