Tid For Test II
Skrive av Larsebass ons, 21/01/2004 - 01:32
You Know Yer Indie. Let's Sub-Categorize
Jeg er visstnok en postpunker med oppheng i 80-tallet, og seriøst oppheng i reverb på skarptrommene...
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You're a Post-Punk. You know 70s punk was cool, but it was mostly just a stepping stone for the greater intellectualism of what would come after. The 80s were amazing. You quite possibly have huge hair, and may wear lots of black. Snare drums need reverb. Lots and lots of reverb.
the awful truth
You're a Britpopper. The UK is your thing. The Smiths really were 'terrif' and Blur are indie no matter how much money they made. You could drink all the other indie kids under the table. You plan on moving to London someday and dream of one day owning every Beatles release on vinyl.
Nokså sant da,hvis man ser bort fra Beatles-utsagnet
- You're the disease and I'm the cure
jag också
samma som du Ida
70s punk was cool ..
Den fikk jeg også :)
Jeg er visst en post-punker jeg også. Men det er altfor tidlig på morgenen.
Jeg ble en True Punk, jeg.
Og jeg som alltid har sett meg selv som skinhead...
jada jeg ble også post-punk
WTF - *fri-jazz*???
You're Avante Garde Indie. You listen to abstract music like free-jazz and Krautrock. You drink too much coffee and you scare the fuck out of the rest of us. We're afraid to call you pretentious because we know that we all just don't get it. There are few of you out there, and most of you will probably die soon.
Dessuten - det gaar ikke an aa drikke 'for mye kaffe'!!!!!!!
man kan drikke for mye kaffe. har måttet gå ut fra forelesning fordi jeg ikke kunne skrive eller konsentrere meg pga for mye kaffe.
og forresten synes jeg du er litt skummel. hehe
- You're the disease and I'm the cure
Flattery will get you anywhere ;)
Avantgarde-indie er tøft. Ha
Avantgarde-indie er tøft. Har alltid visst jeg var en del av en døende rase; nå har jeg det på papir. (Om enn ett elektronisk, og ganske forgjengelig et.)
Elitisktiske ideer passer bra inn i nevnte kategori, jah!
Jeg også...
postpunker altså. Jeg måtte forandre på mye for å bli noe annet (måtte se om det var det eneste svaret og om folk skrøt på seg andre resultater.) og endte opp som britpopper UHU :P
Men når det gjelder klang på skarptromme så må det til, helst med gate for da kan man ha mye mer!
Jeg også: Postpunk
jeg går da ofte i både turkis og grønt?!?!
How would you survive the end of the world?
Cunning. Through use of many of life's faculties,
you've managed to suceed greatly. It may not
seem so to many, but isn't the the point most
times? It's only a matter of knowing more then
the others, right? I'm scared of people like
you, but in the same time, admire the ability
to see more then just the big picture; you see
yourself in it every time. You survived the end
by knowing who to knock down so you got that
last spot in the bunker... nicely done.
How would you survive the end of the world?
brought to you by Quizilla
å jaddah...
Cunning. Through use of many of life's faculties, you've managed to suceed greatly. It may not seem so to many, but isn't the the point most times? It's only a matter of knowing more then the others, right? I'm scared of people like you, but in the same time, admire the ability to see more then just the big picture; you see yourself in it every time. You survived the end by knowing who to knock down so you got that last spot in the bunker... nicely done.
Dessuten var jeg postpønker. mistenker at det var Pixies og Joy Devision som gjorde utslaget
samme her
lønner seg vel ikke å banke på din bunker da. hehe
- You're the disease and I'm the cure