random ranting.

brain input overflow. life is too fast, never a dull moment. i cannot understand people who are bored - expect the unexpected! maybe i'm working too much with crazy artists? no way. sometimes life just surpises you, the good and the bad way. wow.
can't wait to get the scanrail trip fixed. need to see my people. one life is just not enough.
maybe i should drop out and go fishing on the faroese?
jeg er ikke i skogen men i byen. jeg har spist for mye kvikk lunsj, men det er så bra!

<em>henrik</em> sitt bilete


Kommer du på besøk? Juhu!

<em>zandra</em> sitt bilete

Jajjajajajajaja! Skal komme o

Jajjajajajajaja! Skal komme opp for Arvikafestivalen, men hakke planleggt noenting *eeek*
Må ha ferie!
Ouh. Braindamage.

Relax don’t do it
When you want to come

<em>BlackLightDistrict</em> sitt bilete

Fishing on the faroese

Dette anbefaler jeg ikke, da det var usannsynlig kjedelig der, og jeg stinka fisk hver dag.

<em>zandra</em> sitt bilete

Men frisk sushi hver dag ogs

Men frisk sushi hver dag også, ikke sant? Er det virkelig så kjedelig?

Relax don’t do it
When you want to come

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