Veldig trist

Legendary radio DJ John Peel dies

John Peel was one of the UK's most-loved broadcasters
Veteran BBC broadcaster John Peel has died at the age of 65, while on holiday in Peru.

<em>Oberkorn</em> sitt bilete

Trist, trist

Som Bernard Sumner sier: "This is a dreadful shock. If it wasn't for John Peel, there would be no Joy Division and no New Order. He was one of the few people to give bands that played alternative music a chance to get heard, and he continued to be a champion of cutting-edge music throughout his life. He will be genuinely missed by millions of music fans all over the world, both inside and outside the music industry."

Mannen sørget for å promotere de beste alternative bandene, blant annet Depeche Mode, Front 242, The Smiths, The Pixies og mange mange andre...

Litt om bandene han har hjulpet opp gjennom årene.

<em>Gird_09</em> sitt bilete


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