NAC for april

Nordic Alternative Charts denne måneden:

P = Position (this month). L1 = Previous months position. L2 = Two months ago. BP = Best Position. MC= Months on chart. B = Bullet - Keep your eyes open.

P   L1 L2 BP SINGLE                                               MC 
1   7  -  1  Kraftwerk - Aerodynamik (EMI)                        2 
2   2  1  1  Pride and Fall - Paragon (Dependent/Mindbase)        5 
3   4  4  3  Fixmer/McCarthy - Destroy (Planet Rouge)             3 
4   3  6  3  Fairlight Children - Before You Came Along (SPV)     3 
5   1  2  1  Icon of Coil - Android (Out of Line)                 5 
6   N  E  W  Wolfsheim - Blind (Strange Ways)                     1 
7   5  -  5  Univaque - Nothing Can Be Saved (Subspace Communications)                                                   2 
8   8  -  8  Absurd Minds - Herzlos (Scanner)                     2 
9   6  8  1  Suicide Commando - Face of Death (Mindbase/Dependent)10 
10  N  E  W  Oomph! - Augen Auf (BMG)                             1 
Blipp - Laika (Self Released)
Rotersand - Electronic World Transmission (Endless Records)
Seabound - Poisonous Friend (Dependent/Mindbase)   
P   L1 L2 BP ALBUM                                                MC 
1   2  1  1  Front Line Assembly - Civilization (Metropolis, Playground)                                                       4 
2   10 -  2  Wumpscut - Bone Peeler (Beton Kopf Media)            2 
3   3  -  3  Icon of Coil - Machines Are Us (Metropolis, Out of Line)                                                             2 
4   1  4  1  In Strict Confidence - Holy (Minuswelt/Sony)         3 
5   N  E  W  Skinny Puppy - The Greater Wrong of the Right (Synthetic Symphony)                                                         1 
6   7  -  6  Einstürzende Neubauten - Perpetuum Mobile (Mute, Playground)                                                       2 
7   9  3  2  V/A - Electropop Heroes vol. 1 (Memento Materia)     6 
8   8  -  8  Fairlight Children - 808 Bit (SPV)                   2 
9   N  E  W  Kirlian Camera - Invisible Front 2005 (Sad Eyes)     1 
10  4  8  4  SITD - Stronghold (Accession)                        6 
Backlash - Heliotrope (Memento Materia)
Run Level Zero - Walk the Psycho(path) (Memento Materia)
Moulin Noir - Boy In Darkness (A Different Drum)   
P       Top 5 Singles according to Frank Jansen, Club Plan 9, Oslo , Norway   
1       Fairlight Children - Before You Came Along (SPV)   
2       Kraftwerk - Aerodynamik (EMI)   
3       Pride and Fall - Paragon (Dependent/Mindbase)   
4       Seabound - Poisonous Friend (Dependent/Mindbase)   
5       Icon of Coil - Android (Out of Line) 
<em>Oberkorn</em>'s picture


Ja, jeg er kommers når det gjelder hitlister. Men jeg sniker da inn en og annen obskur godbit i settene også...


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