Colony 5 og Militant Cheerleaders i København
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Club Metropolis presents
Friday the 5th of May at Krudttønden
+ Re-Load Nightclub
We present to you one of Sweden's premier electro and synth pop
bands today - Colony 5! One of Memento Materia/Prototyp's most
successful bands, the band has played live all over the world,
including Mexico and Russia and many of the European countries.
Having played at Club Metropolis in 2004, they've since released the
albums "Structures" and "Fixed", presenting great danceable
electronic popsongs, which have established the band on the European
electronic pop scene. The band have been nominated for the
Scandinavioan Alternative Music Awards [SAMA] twice!
Supporting Colony 5, we have hard hitting electro/EBM band Militant
Cheerleaders On The Move, It is electronic body music in its purest
form - the way DAF and Nitzer Ebb did it, but with even more energy
and attitude. A band with its roots in electro and techno making
their very own version of old school EBM. At the same time a band
that have the experience to do something new and interesting with a
classic genre. The debut single "Freaks" where released in March
2005 and made it all the way on to the German Alternative Chart
[DAC], as well as the Nordic Alternative Chart [NAC]. A CDM that
made a great hard-hitting impression on the electronic dancefloors
all over Europe.
Also on the support roster, we have Hate Therapy - one of the many
side projects of rising Danish star ZBR! Having already gathered a
lot of attention on the Danish industrial scene over the past year,
his newest project, Hate Therapy, is fast and furious, and heavy as
a ten ton anvil. It has all the attitude of hardcore punk, all the
brutality and distortion of power noise and all the danceability of
electro EBM.
After the gigs, our DJs will blast the dancefloor into oblivion with
everything from electro, synth and EBM to heavy industrial and harsh
Doors open at 22.00
Price: 100 kr
Krudttønden, Serridslevvej 2B, 2100 København Ø, Danmark
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