
« laurdag april 01, 2006 »
Start: 31/03/2006 21:59
End: 01/04/2006 03:00

Denne gangen krasjer det ikke med Gotham Nights! :-)

Headliners: Where Angels Fall & The Prodigy

22:00 - Videolounge
22:15 - The Prodigy (videokonsert)
23:15 - DJ Halfface
00:15 - Where Angels Fall
01:15 - DJ Elektronika
02:15 - DJ Neu

The Prodigy
I 1997 var en konsert med The Prodigy noe av det feteste man kunne oppleve!
Ingen andre band hadde klart å blande punkrock og elektronica så vellykket, og at bandet som egentlig bestod av en DJ og 3 dansere(!) skulle levere høy-energisk stadiumrock, hadde vært utenkelig få år tidligere!
Dukker du opp tidsnok hos oss får du gjenoppleve energien på storskjerm og med glimrende PA lyd!

Start: 01/04/2006 21:00

Live on stage:

Support: Spetsnaz

Covenant has established themselves as the premier scandinavian electronic music band. With their recently released album Skyshaper, they raise the bar on what musical perfection truly is. The single Ritual Noise even put Depeche Mode to shame on the german alternative charts (DAC) recently. Experience an intimate yet full-blown live show with the band on a concert and a clubnight to remember.

The hard-hitting duo Spetsnaz will be supporting their fellow countrymen, likewise touring heavily in conjunction with their recently released album Totalitär. Spetsnaz still resembles some of the old EBM gigants, but evolving their concept without strict boundaries.

Stockholm University Allhuset
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