17 des@hausmania | Hatzville VS pannekakehuset presents ' devilsmind label night'
0 kjem; 0 anbefaler; 0 kjem kanskje
17 desember 2005
@ Hausmania, elvebredden (1etg) oslo,Norway
Start: 2200 | end: 0600
Deco by 'NOS'(.se)
iD: 20!
The bar is closed! - bring your own booze ;)
Peacespect (.se/dvsm)
Total (.se/dvsm)
Dennis the menace (.se/dvsm)
Vegetal (.se/dvms)
*organizer comment:
Det er oss en glede å presentere en av våre favoritt labels med en stor fest verdig deres navn. Dette er gutta med killer artister / dj's fra både
Svergie, Norge og det store utland. Dvms ligger i örebro Svergie og har blandt annet disse i stallen sin:
Baphomet Engine, Electrypnose, Silent Horror, Claw, Metallaxis / Polyphonia,
Zik og vår egen kjære Phobium (som denne kvelden spiller i stockholm)
Dette vil være et label party for Dvms samt en liten feiring av deres første release 'V/A Refused' som ble sluppet 13 oktober 2005
-organizer recomends! -G0 get it!- (Les mer om skiva lenger ned)
Vi åpner dørene kl 22 og lover havock før kl er midnatt så dere er alle klare til å ta imot djevelen når han kommer.. muhahahahha :)
For dere som er ekstra opptatt av deco og husker Kimotei sin 'opensource' & vår egen Xenomorph fest så har vi booket samme deco artist av 3 grunner.
1: Vi mener han er best !
2: Han har alltid noe nytt
3: kjempe hyggelig kar :)
Deco bilder fra disse festene finnes på http://hatzville.morlock.nu
About Devilsmind records:
(copy/paste from http://www.devilsmindrecords.org)
Dennis the Menace and Alex from Peacespect decided to turn things upside down, and woalá - here's DVSM. We believe that in order to keep this scene alive, there's an urge to please to go back underground, where things started, where things still haven't changed. Distributing mixtapes and
promoting good fellah's have proven to apply well on other scenes, why wouldn't it work out well with crazy messed up beam-me-up-scotty music.
Devil's Mind records is a non profit label.
All tracks are donated to us and we have no interest in making any money out of our releases. Any profit made on sales or by money donations will be used for forthcoming releases, in order to bring more wicked music to the scene and promote nice people, or other labelrelated projects who's concerning the artists - and the artists only. The rest of the profit is given away to charity work. Aint that sweet?
Now we are talking about good karma among the evil ones :)
Who? What? Where?
The Devil's Mind is a crew consisting of people gathered from all over the globe - who's common nightmare is to bring dark, evil sonic manipulations to the citizens of the earth.
Facing the consequences of a record market who's turning more stereotyped, the folks of DVSM still believe in the pure music who's created with paraoriginal sense. We're all really bored with the present record industry, and we're fed up with whippy cut'n'paste tunes.
more info @ http://www.devilsmindrecords.org
A closer look @ the lineup:
'Peacespect': http://www.devilsmindrecords.org/profiles_peacespect.php
They were both feeling that the music and the culture had lost it's political message, and the concerns for nature, animals and humanity were all long forgotten.Peter Ebkar and Alex Örtegren, both politically engaged since as long we all can remember, formed Peacespect with the mission of bringing more focus back to the politics, using the tools of sequencers and knobs. Expressing the feelings who's tabu in the regular society, speaking for those who can't make their voice heard in a world infected by corruption.Peter's background is filled with angry metal music and being active in different bands shouting vibes from his bass. He's also doing his solo liveact as Vegetal, and has upcoming releases on Trishula Records.Alex were into skatepunk, doing twisted excursions on the guitarr while he weren't on a roll on his skateboard. Manipulating sonic vibes came natural as he came in contact with the psychedelic explosion.There's no formula in the world who can express what's going on. Adventures and their past have put those two together, sending out aggressive vibes from the speakers who's inviting you to their psychedelic rollercoaster, parsing
your mind into the dimension of Peacespect!
My name is Patrik Andersson,I live in Trollhättan (Sweden)
I´ve been making musik sense i was pretty young but it was mostly punk,hardcore and death metal.
I see my music as party music,(nothing to chill out to).
maybe i´ts because i don´t usually listen to trance other except at parties were you can feel the music.
I´ve been making trance music for many years, but i started for real in 2002. The music i make is like a mix of many diffrent styles.
Slaf n´Slice
'Dennis the menace': http://www.devilsmindrecords.org/profiles_ritm.php
Dennis is one of our younger dj's reprezenting the Team Devilsmind.Has been spinning psytrance since 2000 and before that he was spinning some other music like hardcore and gabber.
After a crazy trip he got addicted to the darker side since then he wont show you any mercy. Prefers dark and evil night music with some scary influences, the music could been taken straight from hell and his mission is to send you to the closest mental institution where you will be crying for more. Dennis is spinning mainly unreleased stuff ranging from evil zombiemusic to terrorfilled excursions. He is inspired by the horror movies of the 1930s, and the old spirit of Örebro who has been inspiring Örebroartstis since the birth of our wicked scene.
In my humble eyes, Dennis takes the music one step further by playing faster and more zombieliked than many others within this scene for this kind of music, and none is left behind and untouched when he blends the horror of
everday life together with the horror of the oldschool mental insititution cinematics.
This guy has no limits!!
He wants to see you crawl on the dancefloor when youcant stand on your legs anymore.
'Vegetal': http://www.devilsmindrecords.org/profiles_vegetal.php
Vegetal is the wild mental excursion of Peter Ebkar, who's also active in the Peacespect project. Peter's background is filled with political anger
management in the shape of hardcore. As he discovered the ability of expressing his ideas through the electronic environment, Peter traded his mental hilife from being a guru of the bass in different hardcorebands for the world of knobs and sequencers. What really blends the Vegetalsound is the touch of politics, upon layers of strong and agressive leads tied up with rollercoaster basslines. The Vegetalproject has a fetish of surprising breaks, and the goal is to bring up
it's listener to other levels of enjoyment through distinct messages and a whole lot of ironic expressions on top of it. Vegetal got it's real breakthrough during the spring and summer of 2004, and recieved a huge support from the crowds! Not only because of the music, but
also because Vegetal turns the whole dancefloormania into an aggressive mad liveshow!
About their last album released 13 october 2005
Ever heard of the infamous city called Oerebro? Does it ring a bell? If not, let's read the historical paper about it and find out that it is not only the
Swedish town where the wild Kilsbergenparties resided, but it is also the freakfactory who's given birth to trippy spaceprograms such as Hux Flux,
Kluster, Weirdo Beardo, Little Blue Men among many others as well as labels delivering forestmusic under the names of StoneAge Records and Kavator Records. The time has come for Devils Mind Records to enter the scene, becoming the third labelgeneration growing inside of Oerebro. The debut compilation invites the listener to a soundtrack of the deep Oerebroforest at night, offering a trip through soundscapes with a scent of moss and trees all accompanied by deep-driving mental elements one could only experience in this
weird forest. The soundtrack is composed by artists who's well connected to
the Oerebro-state-of-mind globally, and serving music that's been written in Japan, Brazil, Switzerland, Greece, India, Israel, Norway, Cyprus and of course Sweden. Refused comes together with a six-page booklet and is printed
in a limited edition only - counting the total printed copies to 500 only!
01 Atrocious Berserker - Murderer's Suicide Wish
02 Baphomet Engine vs. Electrypnose - Remote Control
03 Metallaxis - Dark Light
04 Silent Horror - Placid On Acid
05 Savage Scream - X-Mash (Devils Mind Remix)
06 Crying Orc - Empty Head, Crying Spirit
07 Phobium - Transfiguration
08 Peacespect - Monochrome Night
09 Claw - Symetry (Paranoize Remix)
- Distributed worldwide by Wirikuta Distribution
- Artwork by Kricke @ JK Photo & Graphics
- Mastered by Flo
- Compiled by Dennis, Alex & Peter
- Limited Edition (500 copies)
Get it here:
Wirikuta / Chaos Unlimited / Beatspace / Saikosounds / Psyshop / Juno Records
Hatzville VS Pannekakehuset
Organizer / dj / promotion - non profit priv org
raymond@trance.net+ crew
ingard@trance.net + crew
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