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Konservativ rock

Ahh - da var de 50 beste konservative låtene kåret. Når kommer lista over de beste senterpartilåtene?

Kristen-humor om Antikrist

Det finnes en fordom som sier at troende kristne ikke har humor.

Et vidunderlig bevis på at det ikke stemmer er her:


Tidvis morsom parodi på Herzogs siste film:

In it for the money?

Hørte jeg noen si at enkelte musikere bare er ute etter penger?


I formiddag fikk jeg en telefon fra en journalist som skulle gjøre noe på Inferno-festivalen. Noe som er hyggelig, Inferno er et bra tiltak og jeg støtter av prinsipp omtrent alt Ann-Karin finner på. Men journalisten lurte på om det var noen dypere grunn til at Inferno ble lagt til nettopp påsken. Ja, dette med å spikre en viss fyr fast til noen trebiter osv...

Milde ord, som de sier i Bergen.

Det får da være grenser for å se Satan ved høylys dag.

Eller er det jeg som ikke skjønner noe?

Tankevekkende sak om sampling

Spørsmålet mitt er som følger; Hva kan være mer egnet til å skape forståelse og interesse for islam enn lyden av muslimer som synger fra Koranen?

Dear reader

Dear reader: This article has been circulating around the Internet recently. I have seen four (!) other similar articles about me, and it is getting tiresome. Someone is using a lot of time to try to smear me. It is time to set the record straight.

Why do these articles exist? The context is this: Someone recently tried to organize a neofolk festival in Gothenburg, Sweden. Many people (including me) were enthusiastic, but mystified by the secrecy and strange disclaimers that the Sunna festival was shrouded in. The venue was not even revealed to prospective ticket buyers! Naturally, people became curious and checked out who the anonymous recipients of their money were.

It turned out that both web sites associated with the festival were registered by individuals with well-documented histories of extremist activity. This was public information and could be found with anyone with Internet access and about thirty seconds to spare. As a result of this, three bands decided they would not be associated with the festival and Sunna was cancelled.

Instead of introspection (did Sunna really think that a band called Die Weisse Rose would not have a problem with an activist from the Swedish Heathen Front being the main organizer?) the Sunna people are now looking for scapegoats. I seem to have become one of these. While I wouldn’t mind taking credit for exposing that Sunna was withholding important information from the bands, sadly I cannot do so. Of the Wand and the Moon, Die Weisse Rose and Solblot are all adults and can make their own decisions and find things out for themselves.

The following article has been posted different places on the Internet. Similar articles have been posted, removed by administrators and then re-posted again and again on several web forums.

While I believe any sensible reader will dismiss the article due to its tone, its references to bodily fluids and strange statements like “Jewish interests”, some people have wondered if it contains some truth. And indeed it does. The article is a mixture of truths, half-truths, distortions and outright lies.

So in order to sort lies from truth, I have decided to take the time to correct a few misunderstandings. I have simply inserted my comments in brackets throughout the article. I have not changed the original article in any way, and have kept the original spelling. I will refer to the anonymous writer as “the mysterious author”, though I know full well who he is.

So, without further ado, I give you the great exposé of the secret life of Didrik Søderlind, with comments straight from the secret agent’s mouth:

Hetskampanje mot meg

Dear friends, contacts and people who don’t really know me:

Recently, I have been the victim of a smear campaign from Norwegian extremists. This has taken the form of articles posted on web forums that I frequent. So far, I’ve seen five (!) different versions of them, and they have been removed from four different forums (the administrators have also had to remove several re-postings under a steady stream of new pseudonyms). Recently, these people have even gone to the effort of translating these into English. Chances are you’ll come across them soon – on your forum, guestbook or so on. Look for articles with lots of links to stuff I’ve written and liberal use of words such as “vomit” and “Zionist”.

Franz Ferdinand-vokalist skutt

av bassisten i bandet Gavrilo Princip. De ber Interpol om hjelp.

Noen ganger glimter The Onion virkelig til...

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