Combichrist og SITD

... har begge samplet nøyaktig samme replikker fra en film i låtene "Joy to the World" og "Richfest RMX". hvilken film er dette? jeg blir sprø av å kunne hele ramsen uten å vite hvor det er tatt fra.

"If you spit in my face and smack me on the mounth and throw me in solitary confinement for nothing, what do you think's gonna happen when I get out of here?"

"Who are you to call me a murderer, I've never killed anyone. It's thinking. I have it here" (også peker protagonisten sikkert på tinningen sin eller noe)

"If I started murdering people, there would be none of you left"

fint noen vet noe, let me know.

<em>Baetylos</em> sitt bilete

Charles Manson

Det er utsagn Charles Manson kom med under rettsaken mot han.
Antageligvis samplet fra talen hans i rettsalen.

We are
We are the children
We are the children of nothing

This Fading Dream | Gotham Nights | Kjettersk Kjeller

<em>komputergirl</em> sitt bilete

tøft. takk. one world. one

tøft. takk.

one world. one sky.
we live. we die.

<em>Disynthegration</em> sitt bilete

Here he is

* I have counted to infinity. Twice *

<em>Baetylos</em> sitt bilete

Gale gale mannen

We are
We are the children
We are the children of nothing

This Fading Dream | Gotham Nights | Kjettersk Kjeller

<em>komputergirl</em> sitt bilete

takketakk! :) one world.

takketakk! :)

one world. one sky.
we live. we die.

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