* Cranes at Super Bowl !

Bare for å føye Cranes inn i rekken av sære sammenhenger...
Og siden jeg er syk, har jeg ikke noe annet å gjøre.

Hello again,

Just a quick letter to let you know that Cranes 'Astronauts' from
the 'Particles and Waves' album is going to be included in the
opening show for the American Super Bowl ! It's on Sunday 5th
February and the song will appear " during a pre-taped opening
tease featuring athletes and actors reciting lines from Dr. Seuss'
"Oh, The Places You'll Go." If anybody in UK wants to watch it's on
ITV1 at 11.15pm (Sunday February 5th) . In USA the programme is
produced by ABC television (broadcast nationwide, times according
to local schedules.) We think the Super Bowl is pretty much broadcast
all over the rest of world too although we are not sure of the
schedules. But let us know what you think if you get a chance
to watch ! Thanks !

Love from Cranes xxx