National Socialists Win 37 Seats In Norweign Parliament
Siden det viser seg at det er en del andre her inne med sans for merkelige politiske uttrykk (det må være Laibachs feil!) poster jeg denne analysen av det norske valget fra en amerikansk nazi-nettside.
Hvis noen fremdeles var i tvil om at slike folk har et merkelig syn på verden, burde de vel være overbeviste nå... Sist jeg hørte at Carl I. Hagen var nazist, var vel fra en eller annen 17 år gammel blitzer da jeg var i Arendal for å demonstrere mot Arne Myrdal.
Eller finnes det et annet Norge et sted, der AP er kommunistisk...?
National Socialists Win 37 Seats In Norweign Parliament
Oslo, Norway -- The national socialist leaning "far right" Progress Party won 37 seats in Norway's 169 parliament in an election upset yesterday that is being denounced by Jews around the world.
"We are the champions," Progress Party leader Carl Hagen told the press, noting that his party trounced the mainstream Conservatives and was now the largest opposition party in the legislature.
Norwegian political observers noted that both the Progress Party and the communist-leaning Labour Party made the largest gains, indicating a growing radicalization of Norwegian politics. Other observers said the electorate appeared to endorse two different approaches to socialism -- one national, the other communist.
The Progress Party has called for a ban on all non-white immigration into Norway, and generally adheres to a classic national socialist program of greater social programs for Norwegians, with a stronger, ethnically oriented government. Progress Party campaign ads had shown pictures of Middle Eastern men in ski masks with the words "our enemies are foreign races."
- Bassington-Bassington's blog
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