Designkonkurranse for Endzeit Bunkertracks 3

Jeg vet at en del her på driver med ulik form for design både profesjonelt og på hobbybasis, og disse kunne kanskje tenke seg å få sin design på neste Endezeit Bunkertracks-samler.

Alfa Matrix skriver:

Artwork design contest for the cult compilation Endzeit Bunkertracks vol.3
Alfa Matrix ( ) has decided to give the opportunity to talented designers / photographers to submit their own design for the 3rd edition of the Endzeit Bunkertracks box compilation devoted to dark elektro music. The label looking for something dark, evil, hellish, disturbing, eye-catching, and still fitting the sampler series’ colour concept around black, red, grey and white... In addition to the box front cover the label will also need various additional images/designs for each disc carton sleeve and the accompanying booklet. For further details, please contact Deadline for submissions is set to September 15th 2007 !