Skrive av Karirari fre, 12/01/2007 - 14:04
The Amazing Invisisquid!
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- Vitj Invisisquid!
Cthulhu Fthagn!
"The love of someone who does not cause difficulties is of long duration. To have a relationship with a friend who is shy and timid is pleasurable; but friends who have continuous needs and demands are unbearable."
- Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Dawud
Nja, den så litt for
Nja, den så litt for hyggelig ut. En cthulubaby kanskje?
*Imiterer David Attenborough*
"Seemingly benign and non-threatening, the Cthulhu cub is all but that. It is easily scared, but, when angered, it will devour sharks, whales and even ships up to 50 times its own size. The Cthulhu cub usually resides in R'lyeh, where its father lies dead, but dreamning."
produced by
"Watch what happens if I
"Watch what happens if I leave this dolphin here."
Du så gakkgakkene, sant? Her er enda en Attenborough-juvel - pikaen, dyret som lager verdens nest rareste lyd.
*eeee! eee! yyyy! yyyy!*
-Som i en veldig tunnel klinger lyden
av mine skritt imellem vegg og vegg-
jeg døøør!
crackspiders BITCH!
-Som i en veldig tunnel klinger lyden
av mine skritt imellem vegg og vegg-