"Protostar - Stellarium" Ny EP!

Our new EP "Stellarium" is finally here! This is the very first release to feature both members of the band, and showcases the true spirit and sound of Protostar. 6 tracks of Spacebound Psychedelic Trance & Ambient for your cosmic spirits to enjoy.

Choose your own price and download from www.protostarspace.com

If you want to receive transmission directly to your e-mail inbox, please send an e-mail to spaceboundprod@gmail.com with the words "Protostar Transmissions" in the message field! This way you can keep track of future releases and shows.

Point : Click : Fly
-Bariuz & Hasse

<em>Nikko</em> sitt bilete


Dette var saker! Vel verd 10€, som var det jeg spanderte på albumet.

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