
Many of us have been called zeroes, but we come in all shapes and varieties.

<em>Scorn</em> sitt bilete

0 og 1

Eller som det står i denne(som er den artigste artikkelen ever på The Onion imho).

Siste avsnitt for de som ikke gidder lese alt:
"Think of this as a partnership," Gates said. "Like the ones and zeroes of the binary code itself, we must all work together to make the promise of the computer revolution a reality. As the world's richest, most powerful software company, Microsoft is number one. And you, the millions of consumers who use our products, are the zeroes."



<em>Nikko</em> sitt bilete

Jah. :-)

But he just forgot that a 1 is totally useless if there aren't any zeroes. :-P
Even a stopped clock shows the right time twice a day.

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