
hører på 32crash med den herissons et porcs- epics, det ern kuleste låta på hele plata syns jeg, men jeg skjønner ikke hva dem synger om

sjø sjånte la transformasiååå fot royååål diplåmatikk

og det er bare begynnelsen ass,

noen som veit hva det handler om?

<em>Disynthegration</em> sitt bilete

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Hérissons et Porcs-épics

(From the album “Weird news from an Uncertain Future”)

“Hedgehogs and Porcupines”

I sing transformation
Devastating and dramatic
Affecting without discrimination
Hedgehogs and porcupines
Whose quills are now
More hard than soaked steel
And whose teeth cut merrily
The strongest concretes
Insensible to polytoxiques
Buried deep in the soil
Where they dig long tunnels
They are not any more afraid, these animals,
Of their natural predators
The man and the phénylphénol.

This amazing mutation occurs
Within a few generations,
Let us ask the scholarly elite
What is the explanation?
“The process is known,
It is its pace which makes a problem
Even if Franquin had anticipated it
The situation is extreme.”
Indicated the Pasteur of the Institute
The Seventh Science in Paris.
“We are bewildered
The phenomenon is complex
Its causes are under investigation
And leave us perplexed.”

The fruits on the trees become scarce,
Bitter, impossible to eat
Their plants have lost the power
To cure and to treat
Let those who have eyes to see
Keep them quite open
There are parallels to be made
Which they may not dare believe
By Saint Pancrace and Saint Nectaire
The earth feels pity for us
If on us it’s anger falls
To what saint will we devote ourselves?
By Saint Pancrace and Saint Nectaire
The earth feels pity for us
If nature goes to war
Our days to come are numbered


* I have counted to infinity. Twice *


God tekst :)

Dra meg i barten!

<em>irios</em> sitt bilete

Er vel omtrent dette som er temaet ;-)

<em>Bassington-Bassington</em> sitt bilete


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