For de av oss som ikke har gitt ut plate enda:

(klippet fra

1 - Go to
The first random Wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.

2 - Go to Random quotations:
The last four words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.

If you want to do this again, you'll hit refresh to generate new quotes, because clicking the quotes link again will just give you the same quotes over and over again.

3 - Go to flickr's "explore the last seven days"
Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.

Put it all together, that's your debut album.

<em>Ian</em> sitt bilete

Mitt resultat:

Bandets navn: Encounter in the Dawn
Debutplatas navn: What lies within us.

"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.' "

<em>irma vep</em> sitt bilete

Og mitt:

Bandnavn: Ferio Desert
Tittel på plata: "Unprejudiced point of view"

"Unpredictable like the sun. And the rainfall"

<em>Nikko</em> sitt bilete

Ganske spesielt: Loch Tom

Ganske spesielt:

Loch Tom med albumet: "remains a fool forever"

<em>Soulmachine</em> sitt bilete

Ble obskurt nok for meg

Trinidad Government Railway med skiva The words will follow.

Hasj fører til batikk

<em>henrik</em> sitt bilete

Round Oak Steel Terminal

Band: Round Oak Steel Terminal
Album: Undue depression in adversity
«You might be a King or a little street sweeper, but sooner or later you dance with the Reaper!»

<em>Larsebass</em> sitt bilete

Her er min...

Band : GSTZ1
Album :people that I despise.

<em>bonk</em> sitt bilete

min ble

Collared Sunbird med Expression of my personality.




<em>Karirari</em> sitt bilete

Denne ble nesten litt

Denne ble nesten litt skummel..

History of Baghdad med debutskiva Veneer over today's disappointment.

Så rett, så rett.

<em>elektronika</em> sitt bilete

Band: St. Xavier High

Band: St. Xavier High School
Album: My neighborhood after dark

Look what I can do!

<em>komputergirl</em> sitt bilete

"Unwarranted Variation" med

"Unwarranted Variation" med albumet "Pretty as an Airport".

<em>Illsynth</em> sitt bilete

Unearthly Trance med More

Unearthly Trance med More friends than boring


<em>optimusprime</em> sitt bilete

AKN Eisenbahn-You could not

AKN Eisenbahn-You could not fail

Reality is boring.

<em>Cec</em> sitt bilete

Min ble

Madison Local School District med plata "How wonderful you are"

Smørsangere i vit dress, gjetter jeg :-)

<em>DarkShark</em> sitt bilete


Harmonic Convergence - "Absurdity is not a handicap". hehe

<em>NeonX</em> sitt bilete

Soul Survivor

Ble Soul Survivor med albumet "World which is chaotic".Og coveret preges av en av mine mange samlingsobjekter

Skam deg, du har synthet.


The Demon Spirit
"Work Is Terribly Important"

Not gonna use it :)
Skal det være en karamell??!

<em>Lex</em> sitt bilete

Families are all strange

Families are all strange med bandet "In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3"


<em>greger</em> sitt bilete

Aiglon du Lamentin -

Aiglon du Lamentin - "requisite to great undertakings."

I'm gonna be famous. Tell everyone you know!

<em>RKN</em> sitt bilete

Dustegreie. se hva jeg fikk:

Dustegreie. se hva jeg fikk:

Wolfgang Dietrich
"be preserved by quotation"

Tror jeg prøver igjen før jeg gir ut plate, gitt ...
- - -

<em>RKN</em> sitt bilete

OK, litt mer dreis denne

OK, litt mer dreis denne gangen

Sancti Spiritus
"public or printed lies"

- - -

litt uhyggelig...

China women's national volleyball team
"To the sound of trumpets."

<em>Mastyr</em> sitt bilete

Drone/powernoise anyone? :D

Band: Religiocentrism
Album: not the only experiment

Gauls! We have nothing to fear; except perhaps that the sky may fall
on our heads tomorrow. But as we all know, tomorrow never comes!!
-- Adventures of Asterix.

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