Driver å snakker shiit med en veninne i Cannada..

Hun skal ha examen i International RElations snart... jeg sendte henne følgende:

IR: The simplified Ian story:
Countries don't like eachother. they mostly tolerate their neighhbours, but occationally hate them. After all, they are on the other side of a border, and that border is there for a reason. As neighbours go countries often quarrel a bit, mostly over small matters, such as whos hedge it is that grows to large, or whos gunboat just invaded some imaginary border somewhere.

As I said countires don't like eachother. That is why we need diplomats. They are people trained to think and act in a special language agreed upon by all other diplomats, saying as little as possible with as many words as possible, and trying to put as big promises as possible in the other diplomats speeches. Much like politicians really. the important difference is that the politician only sin by lying a bit to the inhabiants of its country, while the diplomat also try to sneak of with a few secrets from the other diplomants while lying.

Now countries get along because all of them have accomplisehd diplomats that only get away with the small secrets of other countries, while managing to keep the big secrets of their own. And thus an uneasy balance is kept, occatinally tipping over whn somebody "discovers" something that shoulnd't have been discovered.

<em>Nikko</em> sitt bilete


HAdde det vært meg som skulle ha eksamen i IR, hadde jeg faen meg svart det der, Ian!
Even a stopped clock shows the right time twice a day.

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