TARMTOTT - ny EP fra Swamps Up Nostrils

Swamps Up Nostrils har nettopp sluppet en loopifisert småbråkete utgivelse på det fantastiske netlabelet Control Valve. Mer uoversatt informasjon følger under her::::


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artist: swamps up nostrils
title: tarmtott

artist statement:
"Swamps Up Nostrils is a spatiotemporal mishap again and again focusing on both experimental wrongdoings and ancient traditional musical structures like beats and harmonies. What you hear is not what you get but it will however seem pretty close anyway, so why bother? Swirling the eternal wormholes between the familiar and the unknown, we hope to entertain but admit that to most people it must seem like meaningless idiocy, but then again most people seem like meaningless idiots too, including ourselves, so I guess it balances out. Only by admitting to being an idiot yourself will you understand what it means to be one, and understand just how many idiots there are around here. We, the failed abhorritions of monkey-like beings of ancient times, will not let us be controlled by our biological shortcomings, although we admit to them causing us both irritation and confusion. This irritation and confusion is not the source of this music. This music was made by utilizing magick and computers, if you believe in such stuff. If you do not, this music was made by utilizing science and computers, if you believe in such stuff. If you do not, this music was made by utilizing faith and computers, if you believe in such stuff. If you do not, this music was made by utilizing computers and computers, if you believe in such stuff. If you do not, this music was made by utilizing music and music, if you believe in such stuff. If you do not, this mucus was made by utilizing mucus and mucus, if you believe in such stuff. If you do not, this made not was believe and unbelief is by whom was finalized as not more. If you do not, please ignore all above statements as they are irrelevant to the audial experience anyway. There appears not more than what vibrates in your ear, and how your brain interprets that on the basis of your own very personal framework of reference. Anyone telling you otherwise is either trying to highjack your brain or may be lying, or may be convinced of otherwise and acts on a compulsion of good faith, although faith can never exist as something good outside someone's subjective defenition of the matter so the statement is meaningless. Now stop reading this nonsense and listen to the music instead, because, as implied in this body of textual represented idiocies, the point is not to read about this music it is to listen to it. Get it?"

swamps up nostrils is arnfinn killingtveit from trodheim, norway.
no one can ever be sure what will come out of the speakers when playing a swamps up nostrils release.
the first time i heard one it was some sort of drum and bass mixed with circuit bent electronics, with just a tad of field recordings.
you might be getting some sort of techno, drone, noise, minimalism, analog, digital, ect......
whatever it might be, it is always top notch sound work, great composition, and a highly enjoyable listen.
killingtveit also runs the superb cd-r label Krakilsk

6 tracks of looping-layered sound composition
320kbps. mp3
cover image"