Nightmare before Christmas til Xbox :)

"Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie’s Revenge is an action-adventure game that continues the story of Jack Skellington and his arch-nemesis, Oogie Boogie.

Players assume the role of Jack, the Pumpkin King of Halloween Town, who must help reclaim the town and save other holidays from the mischievous Oogie Boogie and his henchmen. Jack has a variety of attack options including the use of the all new and amazing “Soul Robber”, costume changes with unique attacks and more."

<em>myotis</em> sitt bilete

Åhhh... vill ha xbox nu!!

Åhhh... vill ha xbox nu!!

~new shoes~

<em>Nikko</em> sitt bilete


Vil ha Xbox jeg også! *murre*
memento mor di

<em>Lunifil</em> sitt bilete

Har xbox - yay!

Har xbox - yay!

<em>ComaWhite</em> sitt bilete

høhø må få brodern til å

høhø må få brodern til å laste ned^^

Fear me cause Im unnaturaly pink and purple

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